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Showing posts from February, 2023

12 Points to Living Spectacularly

I would like to speak with you today about living your life spectacularly so that you can win. Consider this a pep talk to help you get up and moving into your greatness and ultimately walking through the door to your destiny. I would like to leave you with twelve points to consider as you reach for those stars. But before I go over those twelve points, with your permission, I want to touch on a couple of things first. You know, there are many people, at this moment, who are diligently trying to find their  way in what to them appears to be a shroud of darkness. Yet, some are so determined to  succeed even though they may feel a lack of support and encouragement from those around them. Perhaps some of you listening today are one of those people. Maybe you might be feeling that you are giving everything you have to overcome obstacles, and turn your life or situation around… but are wondering does it matter. Well, I want to say to you today, yes it does matter. You matter. You a...