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It seems like I have been fighting for a very long time, more than I can say I would choose to. I have wanted a contented and peaceful life. The passion, I mean profound passion and zest that I have deep inside has been savoured to be enjoyed and used in the pursuit of my long desired Utopian lifestyle, and to enjoy a deep, satisfying, sensual, sexual, and sacred experience with my life partner. That passion for me is designed to be unleashed only in boundless love, trust, fidelity, respect and honor, exclusivity, honesty, transparency, courageous intimacy, and only with that one to whom is MY EQUAL, and who matches my inclination toward the Most High, lacking nothing. It is a magical, miraculous, wonder to be experienced fully, wholly, and completely here on Earth in this space and time and serves as a replication of a most Divine Relationship with the Creator and Originator of the Heavens and the Earth.

I am grateful for the many battles because with each of them came its own set of lessons and opportunities to heal. Yes, I am truly a warrior and have a warrior's courageous heart having traveled a hero's journey. In the past, the various battles and conflicts have been embroiled in drama and complex emotional entanglements. Yet, the WAR IS OVER!!!! And as the African Proverbs says, "As long as there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm."

So today, I boldly declare and decree a state of peace that comes after war. I declare and decree my sacred space of being that is filled with peace, love, and light - a Divine Space imbued with God's Most Holy Presence - a Most Profound and luminous space of love, acceptance, and calm that needs no apology, permission, or explanation. It just is what it is and I adore the power and sanctity of it fully as I open the door of my heart and mind and soul to  settle into it to heal and understand all of what I have been through and to connect back to what really matters, what gives foundation to our lives. 

No drama. No complications. Pure Love, and Complete Acceptance of the beautiful Sapphire that I AM and the pure and solid Emerald Rock upon which I stand. I acknowledge not only that I AM Enough, yet that I AM Here making an unequivocal and beneficially positive difference everywhere I go, wherever I send my mind, and with whom I share my heart.  

So, Just For Today. . . SMILE. . .May we learn to claim what brings us peace, and may we be stronger for it. SMILE. 


  1. Thanks for inspration

    1. You are very welcomed. May you be blessed. Happy New Year.


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