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The Space Between People


This writing is actually inspired by a movie I watched called the Space Between Us. The movie is about a 16-year old boy who was born on Mars on September 9, 1984 by a mother who died right after giving birth to him. She was the only female of six astronauts who went on this mission to Mars for four years. After arriving on Mars, Sarah learned that she was pregnant. After her untimely passing, another young woman astronaut who was unable to bear children was sent to Mars to help care for the boy and she lived on Mars for sixteen years. Her name was Kendra. Kendra was the only mother Gardner knew, although he learned about his birth mother through video footage.

In the movie Gardner was very expressive and communicated precisely what he was feeling. He established a connection with a young girl his age that lived on Earth in Tulsa Oklahoma. So he gave her the code name Tulsa. This girl was a product of the foster care system and was shifted from home-to-home. Needless to say, she had a strong desire for truth, realness, love, and acceptance.  One of her lines in the movie is, “Everybody’s always frontin’, nobody’s ever real, you know.”

Interestingly, I was born on September 9. In 1984 during the time of Gardner’s birth, I had just turned 18 years of age. I was also born with the birth name of Kendra. So in more ways than one, this movie touched me very profoundly. I could not help but to cry rather heartily during the movie, not from being saddened by it, but from feeling deep emotions as I watched the various life issues, conversations, and conflicts play out. It is a great movie, but I won’t go into it any further here, you will just have to watch it.  The movie, The Space Between Us, is a base for the message I want to share and something I have been feeling for quite some time.

The movie got me to thinking and feeling even more about how people have numbed themselves down as to not feel. They avoid confronting deep heartfelt issues or confronting their own limiting beliefs and biases and surround themselves with people who continue to allow them to live and be in this facade. In London, everything is quick, fast in a hurry and about money, money, money. Networking is this fast-paced harsh energetic engagement, singed with a tone of what can you do for me. In Worthing, West Sussex, it is a series of cliques and survivors of the fittest businesses and who can survive this so called recession.

The Universe is plenteous and abundant. It only appears limited by limited thinking which creates the illusion of lack. The competitive spirit is born from this illusion of lack and runs rampant only in the minds of those being driven by their egos.  As a result, networking, business interactions, and socialization are led by this ego state of mind and are at best superficial and lack depth. And if you are not careful, you can get sucked into this egotistical drama in your yearning to want to achieve your own successful outcome. Yet, if you step back for a moment and remember to trust the Universe and have faith in its delivery of everything you need in a given moment, you will see more clearly that the people driving these machines are numbed-down and their businesses may not be in soul alignment to yours.

Sure they may make money, but if you remember that money is energy, as you elevate your vibrations, you will in turn also increase the amount of positive energy that comes into your sphere. You may have heard the phrase that all money is not good money. There is truth to that because when money comes with certain attachments, it might be best to pass on it. Again, money is energy and the question is what type of energy do you want in your sphere? If you can manage to inspire people to support your ideas and your visions on an aligned soul level, then that is worth its weight in gold. And the best way to do that is to not only be true to who you are and what you stand on, but also to make sure that you are in alignment with your soul’s mission.

This space between people is energetic space. There is no need to sacrifice your truth or authenticity. You can design the energy in your space so that you can manifest the life you were born to live on a soul level and establish connections that are real. The Universe desires us to be fulfilled and happy and that fulfillment and happiness is possible. When people are aligned on a soul level everyone wins regardless what that winning image looks like for the individuals or businesses involved. When people strengthen the energetic spaces by creating energetic inner products and services, their businesses thrive on a whole new level and their life becomes much more fulfilled. People will cease working a job, or being a part of or starting a soulless business, but will instead and moreover start living the life of their dreams and in alignment with their soul mission.

The new status quo is authenticity and realness; that other stuff, is an old paradigm and out of season and alignment with the ascension process. So let your space be filled with more light and internal space so when you interact with others in your external environment it is coming from a place of truth and realness and with more depth of feeling. It comes from the Soul!


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