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Rising Above the Carnal

Following your gut is not something that anyone has to learn. It is innate. Tuning into the voice of truth within is more of a matter of being willing to do it. While it can be very challenging to take cues from your higher self, yielding to your lower desires can be costly.

We live in a material world and are confronted with worldly concerns, yet being in the world does not mean we have to respond to matters in like manner. It is natural to desire to be comfortable and live an enriching lifestyle. However, when your carnal desires or yearning for material gain outweighs or overshadows your ability to discern or quiet the God voice within, you end up falling for the okey-doke.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting or working toward changing your condition for the better; but in doing so you must rise above your emotions and strong desires for material gain to the place where you can boldly try every spirit. You have a force and power within that gives you the authority to try every spirit to determine which one is true.

Trying the spirit means to examine judiciously and put it to the test to evaluate as to separate by way of examination that which is true and that which is false. It is about sifting out and pushing the envelope to see what something is made of.

Don't ever allow your carnal desires to stop you from going through the process of examining  and trying the spirit. Likewise, don't allow your hope for something tangible in the material to blind you. Regardless as to how things appear, your gift will make room for you. When you turn to your higher self or that God within, wealth is inevitable. Yet, it is important to understand that wealth is not simply a matter of finances or your monetary condition. Wealth encompasses your overall health and well-being. So don't measure whether you have an abundant life or whether or not you are prosperous by how much money you have stashed away.

Are you happy? Are you healthy? Do you have joy in your heart? What is it that gives you joy? Do you have family and friends that support you? Examine your spirit to determine if you are true to yourself. Go after your dreams and know that they will come true. Elevate your mind because it is your higher mind that guides you in the process and gives you the power to discern which way to go.


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