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The Space Between People

  This writing is actually inspired by a movie I watched called the  Space Between Us.  The movie is about a 16-year old boy who was born on Mars on September 9, 1984 by a mother who died right after giving birth to him. She was the only female of six astronauts who went on this mission to Mars for four years. After arriving on Mars, Sarah learned that she was pregnant. After her untimely passing, another young woman astronaut who was unable to bear children was sent to Mars to help care for the boy and she lived on Mars for sixteen years. Her name was Kendra. Kendra was the only mother Gardner knew, although he learned about his birth mother through video footage. In the movie Gardner was very expressive and communicated precisely what he was feeling. He established a connection with a young girl his age that lived on Earth in Tulsa Oklahoma. So he gave her the code name Tulsa. This girl was a product of the foster care system and was shifted from home-to-home. Needless ...

Rising Above the Carnal

Following your gut is not something that anyone has to learn. It is innate. Tuning into the voice of truth within is more of a matter of being willing to do it. While it can be very challenging to take cues from your higher self, yielding to your lower desires can be costly. We live in a material world and are confronted with worldly concerns, yet being in the world does not mean we have to respond to matters in like manner. It is natural to desire to be comfortable and live an enriching lifestyle. However, when your carnal desires or yearning for material gain outweighs or overshadows your ability to discern or quiet the God voice within, you end up falling for the okey-doke. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting or working toward changing your condition for the better; but in doing so you must rise above your emotions and strong desires for material gain to the place where you can boldly try every spirit. You have a force and power within that gives you the authority to try ...

Do You Know Your Value?

  “It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are.”  – Roy E. Disney Recently I was confronted with a decision, not one go around, but twice as to whether or not to continue working with a company. It was in my observation that the company did not value me, they consistently placed me in compromising positions, and lacked open communication. When I initially decided to disassociate, they broke the agreements from when we first engaged. During the course of our engagement, I gave them ample opportunity to make good on their promises. Not only did their word continue to fail, it appeared that they had no intentions of following through with what they said they would do. Consequently, I started to re-evaluate the connection, which resulted in me terminating the relationship. The first time I made the decision to sever ties with the company, they apologized and then asked me to reconsider. So after the discussion with the company and after consulting with a few...

12 Points to Living Spectacularly

I would like to speak with you today about living your life spectacularly so that you can win. Consider this a pep talk to help you get up and moving into your greatness and ultimately walking through the door to your destiny. I would like to leave you with twelve points to consider as you reach for those stars. But before I go over those twelve points, with your permission, I want to touch on a couple of things first. You know, there are many people, at this moment, who are diligently trying to find their  way in what to them appears to be a shroud of darkness. Yet, some are so determined to  succeed even though they may feel a lack of support and encouragement from those around them. Perhaps some of you listening today are one of those people. Maybe you might be feeling that you are giving everything you have to overcome obstacles, and turn your life or situation around… but are wondering does it matter. Well, I want to say to you today, yes it does matter. You matter. You a...


  I t seems like I have been fighting for a very long time, more than I can say I would choose to. I have wanted a contented and peaceful life. The passion, I mean profound passion and zest that I have deep inside has been savoured to be enjoyed and used in the pursuit of my long desired Utopian lifestyle, and to enjoy a deep, satisfying, sensual, sexual, and sacred experience with my life partner. That passion for me is designed to be unleashed only in boundless love, trust, fidelity, respect and honor, exclusivity, honesty, transparency, courageous intimacy, and only with that one to whom is MY EQUAL, and who matches my inclination toward the Most High, lacking nothing. It is a magical, miraculous, wonder to be experienced fully, wholly, and completely here on Earth in this space and time and serves as a replication of a most Divine Relationship with the Creator and Originator of the Heavens and the Earth. I am grateful for the many battles because with each of them came its own ...